The Basics

Hey there folks! This page is meant to help you create structure and a strategy for success for the first two years of medical school. These are the hardest two years of medical school primarily because you are reading, memorizing and taking tests most of the time. Its stressful and high demand. Another reason it seems hard is because you think you want to be doctors, social beings who interact with people and solve their medical problems not bookworms who incessantly answer prepare to ace the next exam. But, you of course will face different challenges once you are in clinicals but a strong first two years are the basis for any success later on. When you hear people saying your grades in the first two years don't matter, just tune them out.....completely. Grades matter. Program directors look at them and even if the don't they will reflect on how you perform on your steps. Make sure you study hard. Address your weaknesses. If you don't understand something spend more time with it and ask for help. Other students, TAs, professors are all there to help you and they very much want to.

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