Sunday, March 17, 2013

Cheers Everyone

I am a 4th year SGU student. Its tough being SGU - the trials and tribulations don't end in Grenada. But, by God, I hope its worth it. I would like to create a resource for students attending St. George's University. A resource that will tell you what you need to know to keep your head square and on your shoulders; to help you be successful and compete for the best. Of course, that takes effort on your part and a desire to be successful.

One key to achieving success is being knowledgeable about processes and learning how systems work. Figuring out how exams are written during basic science years; how to best organize your time; how to perform in clinical rotations; and, most importantly, successfully apply for residency can be a real game changer. It can take someone previously with average scores perform much better and achieve much more. Disappointingly, SGU is an abject failure when its comes to performing this task.

With that said, this will not be a one-man operation. I would like to invite the entire community to chime in and give advice to those who follow. Hopefully, in coming days I will expand this site. In all earnest, I would like to maintain this site for SGU students only; hence, you will be required to sign in with your SGU ID. This will maintain confidentiality and allow and allow candid and honest answers. Trolls might be able to circumvent this and that is something we will work on.

Until then sayonara.

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